I see from Rol's post that I mustv'e missed something that Michael
McMaster has said in terms of creating a bunch of little hierarchies. At
the risk of another gaffe, I still contend hierarchies and competition are
unhealthy to effectiveness.
On 21 Dec 1996, Rol Fessenden wrote:
> Michael's comments on hierarchy feel right to me. Rather than eliminate
> hierarchy, create many little hierarchies that sometimes compete,
> sometimes collaborate, sometimes evaporate to be replaced by newer, more
> relevant ones. This effectively creates an environment in which everyone
> participates in the hierarchy, and not just the chosen few.
--Bill Hendry, Training and OD Specialist, Hillsborough County, FL work email: sfidba@scfn.thpl.lib.fl.us | home bhendry@earthlink.net (813)276-2727, fax (813) 276-2917
"Whatever you can do or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it". Johann von Goethe
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