Ben builds on Bill's question:
> How can we open the flow of information so that all members of an
> organization will have access to the information they need to function
> effectively, be creative and innovative, and make good decisions?
Ben responds: "The answer, I think, is found through identifying those
things that are "designed" to distribute and share information and then
learn from them. For instance, a network is "designed" to distribute
information. Why, then, shouldn't an organization be designed like a
== end quote ==
Ben & Bill,
The strength of networks is also their weakness. A great deal of
information is available with little filtering, and the network requires
someone to 'pull' information from it in order for the information to be
put to use. This is excellent for non-critical, perhaps
non-time-sensitive information.
A fast-moving organization will need information 'push' mechanisms for the
critical, time-sensitive information. Perhaps these needs can also be met
in a network environment, but I am uncertain how. Networks in general
require someone at the end to get the info, and this is different than
mechanisms in which info is given.
Rol Fessenden
LL Bean, Inc
--Rol Fessenden <76234.3636@CompuServe.COM>
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