Kent Meyers wrote, concerning an initiative by his company:
>All we have said so far is that "the
>purpose is to conduct dialogue on how industry and DoD can improve
>performance through IT and communication." The process will be a
>feeling-out using meetingware. What I'm interested in is ideas on actions
>that the group could take. [snip]
I can strongly recommend you involve someone knowledgable about the Future
Search or Search Conference formats. These processes allow the
participants to determine what actions they're willing to take--they
design their own future then go for it. There are several knowledgable
people on this list who can connect you with skilled facilitators. I can
also recommend GroupSystems software which I know to be available within
the DoD. There are several locations set up for large group meetings to
exploit the benefits of the software. I can connect you with moe
information if you want it.
It sounds like an exciting endeavor. I wish you luck and productive chaos
--Ginger Shafer The Leadership Dimension "Bringing Leadership to Life"
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