>> Although I can understand their rationale, this
>> practice of restricting the flow of learning violates my value system and
>> I am no longer willing to work under this constraint.
responded with:
>With all due respect, your value system may need further examination.
>Being a LO should not mean that the LO must share its trade secrets on
>an unrestricted basis to its consultants or the outside world.
Since reading Richard's message, I have been trying to think of a real
life situation where I would support restricting learning. I have thought
of two.
1) I have known a few people who I believe to be corupt; who knowingly
and intentionally engage in practices that hurt people or seriously damage
our world. I would not help them to expand and succeed in these
2) If I were struggling to feed myself and my family, I would probably be
much more concerned about my trade secrets.
--Roxanne Abbas 75263.3305@compuserve.com
Learning-org -- An Internet Dialog on Learning Organizations For info: <rkarash@karash.com> -or- <http://world.std.com/~lo/>