Kubler-Ross hierarchy LO11024

Bernard Boire (Bernard.Boire@dmr.ca)
Fri, 15 Nov 1996 10:11:06 -0500

Replying to LO10989 --

On the subject of replacing fear by something more effective, Gary
Scherling said:

>The element that can replace it is proper education.

Agreed; however the original thread commented on what to do whith hardened
criminals, those who, for whatever reason, have decided to live by
different morals and values, who don't want to be *educated*; what do you
do whith those?

>As a society we have lost our values.

This appears IMHO to be too much of a general statement, even a large
exageration; I personnally don't feel like I live in such a *jungle*,
however imperfect it may be.

>Our school systems often don't teach values and morals (from our schools,
>exit >religion... enter a moral vacuum).

Again IMO I would not trust religion to be the magical answer (if only
because of the extremes it drives a lot of people to); I also do not agree
that schools dont teach any morals and values. *Swarznegger, Roseanne,
Goosebumps, DOOM* are sociological phenomena, they reflect our collective
(society's) values; and what is society if not the collective us? Where is
our individual responsibility in all of this? Schools can teach whatever,
if it is not supported by what we teach (explicitely or implicitely) at
home, the results will not be to our liking,

>It starts with each of us.

Despite the different route we end up with the same conclusion!

Bernard Boire
Engineer and consultant
Bernard Boire


Bernard Boire <Bernard.Boire@dmr.ca>

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