Kubler-Ross hierarchy LO11006

Roxanne S. Abbas (75263.3305@CompuServe.COM)
15 Nov 96 07:35:43 EST

Replying to LO10972 --

Virginia Shafer, in LO10908, responding to Marvin Berman (LO 10868) says:
"What struck me was the proposition that fear is the foundation of our
reaction to change, and faith is what we employ to overcome fear....So if
faith is what we must use to ovecome fear, how do we embed a foundation of
faith in our relationships to replace the fear?"

To this, Michael A. Schwartz replies:
"I learned in recent years that I can't replace the fear. I can only
function efectively when I accept the fact that the fear is there and, in
spite of it, go ahead and do whatever it is that is causing the fear to
arise. After a number of times the fear lessens. Maybe faith in
ourselves is what we need in order to take this approach."

Marvin, I would suggest that you haven't *yet* learned how to replace
fear. I can't speak for Virginia or Marvin, but millions or billions of
others have found that faith in ouselves will not see us through some of
the really bad times; it is a strong and abiding faith in a higher power
that will overcome fear.

Roxanne Abbas


Roxanne Abbas 75263.3305@compuserve.com

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