Wheatley Dialogue LO10474

Sherri Malouf (sherri@maloufinc.com)
Mon, 14 Oct 1996 11:25:57 -0400 (EDT)

Linked arbitrarily to LO10457 [To keep the dialogue thread together on
the LO web pages... Your Host]

I had a twist in the way I was thinking last week but haven't had time
until now to throw this into to the pot. I was talking about all of this
stuff -- ie Wheatley and Kellner-Rogers - a simpler way -- with my husband
as I finally read the book. The way my husband approaches things, does
things, etc -- is very different from the way that I do. In fact his
mother decided that she and he have Attention Defecit Disorder. So now my
husband thinks that there is something wrong with him. It all of a sudden
popped into my brain all of the stuff the book was saying about mess --
here's a quote:

"Life uses messes to get to well-ordered solutions. Life doesn't seem to
share our desires for efficiency or neatness. It uses redundancy,
fuzziness, dense webs of relationships, and unending trials and errors to
find what works."

This is a great description of my husband and how he thinks and works. He
can solve many problems but he wrestles and thinks in his own way. So I
had this thought -- what if all of the people we have labeled as ADD or
other kinds of mind/thinking disorders actually are the more progressive
thinkers? Because little kids can't sit still and don't necessarily take
to reductionsist thinking -- they are labeled underachievers at a
minimum... I was labeled as such -- oh -- she has a very high IQ but
doesn't do well in school -- so there is something wrong with her... I
read in another thread (I am sorry I can't remember which one) of others
on this list with similar experiences in school.

What if all of this represents a shift in the way human beings are
thinking/being and it doesn't fit accpeted standards or expectations? We
don't fit into the scientific/reductionist methodology so there is
something wrong with us. (As a side note -- just to prove that I could
think this way if I had to -- when I finally went to University -- in
Great Biritain -- I studied and have a BSc in Economics and Law and
conducted statistical analysis in my Masters degree).

It's just another evening of upside down thinking. We always seem to want
to fix what is different and doesn't fit in instead of thinking of it as
progress and advancement...

sherri@maloufinc.com Tel:603-672-0355
LMA, Inc Fax:603-673-7120


sherri@maloufinc.com (Sherri Malouf)

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