Why a learning organization LO10318

Chris Speyer (speyerc@cadvision.com)
Thu, 03 Oct 1996 18:41:03 -0600

[Host's Note: Two years ago, we created a composite answer to the question
"Why a Learning Organization," and this composite may be read on the LO
web pages at <http://world.std.com/~lo/WhyLO.html>. In this msg, Chris is
adding his thoughts and anyone else is welcome to do so at any time.

Evolution demands it. Whether it be the evolution of a corporation or the
individual, in order to proceed we must first learn the correct steps to
take. It is so important to remember that there will never be one "golden
rule" to management, but rather a dynamic curve which must be followed in
order to stay current and effective. I believe that the classic metaphor
for this can be found within ourselves . . . when we are young we learn
and grow constantly, challenging our frontiers and testing our limits,
never satisfied with the answers because there are always new questions.
As we grow older we settle into a groove of familiar patterns and habits,
we are comfortable. It is the rare individual, and might I say the
successful one, who continues to challenge norms and continue to learn

Why a learning organization . . . because evolution demands it.



Chris Speyer <speyerc@cadvision.com>

Learning-org -- An Internet Dialog on Learning Organizations For info: <rkarash@karash.com> -or- <http://world.std.com/~lo/>