Human Resources LO8789

Robert Bacal (
Wed, 31 Jul 1996 23:27:05 +0000

Replying to LO8770 --

On 31 Jul 96 at 8:00, wrote:

> I do also feel that "too much analysis leads too paralysis."
> The idea that the name of the department actually has an effect on
> how the people in said department react is totally ludicrist.

I agree with you, and I suspect that the many people I know in personnel,
HR, or under any other name probably pretty much ignore any changes in

But, one thing I have noticed on this list is a very strong tendency to
wax philisophical to a degree I haven't encountered since I was in
university. At times, I have smacked myself upside the head wondering at
some of the conversations, but assume that I am under-educated in LO's and
that they are of some significance, out there beyond the list.

Perhaps someone can lend a hand. Is this level of analysis and abstract
discussion typical (or somehow required) due to the nature of LO's? Or is
it that the topic attracts people with this particular bent?

Robert Bacal, CEO, Institute For Cooperative Communication, Located in Winnipeg,Canada.
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