Human Resources LO8770
Wed, 31 Jul 1996 08:00:36 -0400

In repsonse to LO8740, LO8734, LO8738 et al...........


While I am a strong believer of the premise:
"Words mean things"

I do also feel that "too much analysis leads too paralysis."

The idea that the name of the department actually has an effect on how the
people in said department react is totally ludicrist. Especially
considering a name change from 'personnel' to 'human resources'. If the
name were to change to 'slave drivers' or 'warden' then I think you would
have a valid case. While titles do have an effect on people, I don't feel
a broad department name with no negative connotations such as mentioned
above would have an effect on the way people feel about what they do.



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