(anne tyrie) found LO in the pointer on my home page and
then challenges me with:
>.. - treat others as they would have you treat them (i learnt this the hard
>way, previously following 'treat others as you would have them treat you'
>this implies
> Values of
>respect, consideration, selflessness....
I believe this nicely captures the dilemma I have been grappling with. If
everyone adhered to this principle of good behaviour in an organization,
do we really care what values it was that caused that compliance. Some may
do it to avoid pain or censure, while others may do it to get their
desired results. The visceral behaviour of "treating people" is more
important to me than the underlying causes for that behaviour. (I know
this is simplistic!)
I think I am looking for the set of corporate behaviours that DISTINGUISH
LOs from other organizations. LOs would:
- allow (encourage) healthy dissent for the right reasons
- constantly seek feedback from all their stakeholder groups
- experiment and learn systematically from failures (celebrate them!)
- communicate and acknowledge their own "warts" including the ones they
are NOT working on
- not proclaim to have a solution to every problem
- have some common guiding targets that are measurable in real terms
- encourage participation by their stakeholders and treat them right
- view change from the outside in and systematically manage the process
of change itself
- not try to satify all their stakeholders all the time (because of the
inherent conflicts, they need to communicate not satiate)
- invest in all their sources of wealth production equally (over time)
(for public sector, substitute value/dollar for wealth)
How is that for a starter set of behaviours that would indicate there is
something new going on? This was "off the top" so needs work. Please help.
--Keith Cowan <72212.51@CompuServe.COM>
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