Human Resources LO8702
Sun, 28 Jul 1996 20:37:45 -0400

Replying to LO8660 --

T.J. Linzy posts that:

>Ben Compton writes

>"One time I took this up with Human Resources: Why do you think I am a
>resource? I'm certainly more valuable than a desk, a computer, or a
>telephone. I generate large amounts of money for the company, enough that
>you could pay for a good many desks, networks, workstations, and health
>benefits. Clearly I make more money for the company than the company pays
>me. So, why am I a resource?

Interesting that being considered a resource is framed so negatively.
I've been in organizations for a long time and I used to be part of
"Personnel" at that time we were trying to get management to consider
people AS important as machines, physical plant etc. It was actually a
step up to consider people as a resource. We at that time were not so
focused on depreciation but on the fact that improving a machine,
retro-fitting or upgrading increased its value to the company - our hope
was that training and development would be seen as improving the most
valuable resource instead of just an expense. Having said all that, how
should we refer to human beings - assets, resources, human capital, ???

Just wondering...



Bill Gardner or

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