Golden Rule LO8700
Mon, 29 Jul 1996 12:17:39 NZST-12

Replying to LO8662 --

> Reminds me of how Gordon Dreyden talks about early learning in his
> book, The Learning Revolution.

In case any one is interested in following this up, the reference is
Dryden, Gordon and Vos, Jeannette. The learning revolution : a
lifelong learning programme for the world's finest computer : your
amazing brain. Auckland (NZ) : Profile Publishing, 1994.

(I'll be parochial and put the local edition first since he's one of

The American edition is published by Jalmar Press, 1994.
ISBN 1-880396-34-3 US $29.95

Unfortunately, the subject headings in Books in Print are too broad
to be helpful, so I haven't compiled a list of current authors in the
field of accelerated learning. The ones I know of are Colin Rose,
Sheila Ostrander and Eric Jensen.


[Host's Note: Thank you, Annette!

Annette is a librarian who has helped us several times with difficult
book references. ...Rick]

Annette Huang               Manukau Institute of Technology Library
(         PO Box 97 147                         
                               Manukau City, New Zealand

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