What is work? How can it be described effectively? What theoretical models
are appropriate to it? How do we improve personal work processes? To what
degree should human work processes be controled by organizations and what
degree should organizations facilitate them? What are the effects of
current models of business processes on human work process? What should be
the philosophical basis of our approach to human work? What are the
practical considerations in the improvement of human work processes.
To subscribe send the message SUB WORK-PROCESS to listserv@think.net
To find out what other lists are available send the message HELP
to the same address.
[Host's Note: Kent Palmer runs a nice set of internet mailing lists on
topics in philosophy and has been a contributor here on learning-org. One
is his lists is "autopoiesis" which has had some very interesting
dialog. ...Rick]
Kent Palmer
elist administrator
Kent D. Palmer, Ph.D. :Administrator of ThinkNet {aka DialogNet}
Software Engineering Technologist :philosophy and systems theory email lists
autopoietic social systems theorist:hosted at the Thinknet BBS (714-638-0876)
-----------------------------------:Send message "HELP" to listserv@think.net
palmer@think.net palmer@netcom.com: ***** A new universe of discourse. *****
DialogNet homepage: http://server.snni.com:80/~palmer/dialognet.html
--"Kent D. Palmer, Ph.D." <palmer@netcom.com>
Learning-org -- An Internet Dialog on Learning Organizations For info: <rkarash@karash.com> -or- <http://world.std.com/~lo/>