History of Corporate Change LO8566

stephen weed (slweed@cyberhighway.net)
Fri, 19 Jul 1996 22:55:23 -0700

Replying to LO8548 --


Obviously, its true that the demographic profile of the US workplace has
created a lack of "family income" satisfying careers for well educated
baby- boomers. As to the creation of "dowbsizing" as a term, who knows
which journalist or pundit from acadamia coined the phrase.

As to why it happens and what social, economic and educational forces
control it.....theories always generate reflection. Good theories on this
subject win Nobel prizes. I'm all ears.

Ben Compton wrote:
> Over the last few years I've watched the evening news as Dan Rather and
> Peter Jennings talk about how many white collar workers are losing their
> jobs to corporate downsizing.

[...big snip by your host...]


stephen weed <slweed@cyberhighway.net>

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