> Incorporating such tools into a business seems to be the way to go
> to introduce learning at an organisational level
Following my note are some WWW references for data warehousing.
It seems like the WWW itself is already a data warehouse. Use of the WWW
shows that people don't respond to it the same way. As Dr. Deming might
have said, "how could they know how to use it to their greatest benefit
and to the benefit of the company?" Knowing how to find things that are
relevant for the company seems to be important and not built in to the
data warehousing process. Maybe the problem is that knowledge dispersion
and availability prematurely promotes the "many chiefs" problem. My boss
at work doesn't know (maybe) what I know about the chemical nature of
Nutra-Sweet. The other side to that is, "why should they?" I have
knowledge (hypothetically), and it seems to be of no use to the company.
I looked at some trees the other day and wondered why they were so big.
(The stuggle for survival and whatnot came to mind, and I imagined the
growth of the tree.) Possibly, the branches grew in different directions
for the sake of receiving more sunlight. Eventually, the leaves were not
any longer where the tips of the branches used to be. Now the trunk of the
tree and the limbs were there. Fortunately, even though the starting phase
was past, the resulting state of the tree and its present growth process
works fairly well. Many things that come to be over time may have similar
characteristics, and the formative nature of the collection may not be
evident. Of course, one could get timber to make a home without thinking
too much about this; however, when the formative nature or the present
formation of a data collection is like a map, then the nature or status is
more important to know about. It shows where things are and where we must
go to find them. I hope that no one will take these comments as being too
important :)
Searching AltaVista for "data warehous*"
I haven't directly checked any of these references.
Data Warehousing Gotchas
size 8K - 27 Jan 96
Other Web Sites for Data Warehouse Information
size 16K - 7 Jun 96
Data Warehousing Technology Evaluations
size 4K - 25 May 96
White Papers on Data Warehousing
size 10K - 7 Jun 96
Information Advantage: Five Success Requirements For A Data Warehouse
size 918 bytes - 14 Jun 96
Data Warehouse Methodology
size 2K - 19 Feb 96
Another search of AltaVista
I tried to access this site, and did not; however, the information
may be available at another time.
KDD95-Position Statements of the Panel
KDD95 HOME Page. KDD-95 panel on Commercial KDD Applications: The
"Secret" Ingredients for Success. Sunday, August 20, 1:30 -- 2:30
pm, Palais...
size 25K - 18 Aug 95
Have a nice day
John Paul Fullerton
--"John Paul Fullerton" <jpf@mail.myriad.net>
Learning-org -- An Internet Dialog on Learning Organizations For info: <rkarash@karash.com> -or- <http://world.std.com/~lo/>