Ends, Means, and Human Dynamics LO8418

Bill Hendry (sfidba@scfn.thpl.lib.fl.us)
Wed, 10 Jul 1996 07:26:26 -0400 (EDT)

Replying to LO8404 --

I agree with Valdis that behavior is a combination of both Nature - you
were born with it (personality) and you are a product of your environment
- (nurture) and situation. Slotting, or pigeonholing people, is something
I take very seriously as President of the local association for
Psychological Type. The understanding of using various instruments far
outweighs, IMnot so HO... not using that information - providing you don't
pigeonhole folks or use the info unethically. The MBTI is a tool to
increase understanding of self and others. Many folks try to hang to much
on an instrument not designed to answer all of the complexities of one's

On Tue, 9 Jul 1996, Valdis E. Krebs wrote:

> Bill Hendry wrote...
> > But I have typed hundreds of folks and have found that people do
> >react to situations "true to type" more often than not Valdis, even though
> >you will always find exceptions. And I believe much evidence does exist
> >to show the MBTI to greatly increase people's understanding of themselves
> >and each other
> And I can cite research and experience that shows that the situation
> determines behavior, regardless of person in a particular role. We can
> all find 'proof' of our beliefs. My personal experience reveals something
> more complex -- it's a combination of inner and outer. Sometimes more
> inner forces, sometimes more outer, and sometimes it changes as the
> situation changes. Human behavior is too complex to easily slot --
> although this is what we all want to do so that we feel we have some
> control over the chaos.
> Is it situation or is it Type? IMHO the answer seems to be both AND
> neither. Both contribute to the mix, but neither determines the outcome
> -- it's somewhere in the _interaction_ of the two.
> Valdis Krebs


Bill Hendry | work e-mail: sfidba@thpl.lib.fl.us Organizational Development Consultant and Trainer Hillsborough County, FL (813) 276-2727, fax (813) 276-2197

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