Pam asks if low hanging fruit might be used as stepping stones to the
greater fruit higher up for the purposes of learning and creating a sense
of success?
I am not sure if I missed the definition of low hanging fruit (many
computer difficulties over the last couple of weeks mean I have missed a
lot of post and had lots to read through at once - I am just catching up).
I would define low hanging fruit as stuff which needs to be done as part
of the whole system of changes *and* can be tackled quickly and easily.
Hence with this definition I would say there is great mileage in people
dealing with this as part of their early learning and to make quick gains.
There are a couple of risks in doing so:
* we might lose sight of the whole system and the
changes made could have unintended consequences
* we might find this early work so easy the learning is
of less value than if we had tackled some of the deeper
* the work on the low hanging fruit could be valued for its
own sake rather than part of a bigger whole - might we then
look for another low hanging bunch and move through a number
of small superficial but individually rewarding changes
* our learning might only be about process improvement and
not about the whole system
Julie Beedon
VISTA Consulting - for a better future
--Julie Beedon <>
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