I think your comment about laws/rules is quite insightful...
On 6 Jul 96 at 10:38, Ben Compton wrote:
> "Laws" and "policies and procedures" exist to ensure uniform and
> consistent behavior within a community. When people do not share the
> same values, they certainly don't share the same behavior. . .
To add, and to agree, laws and rules embody the use of power to effect
compliance, which would not be necessary if all acted consistent with the
desired behaviours.
Whether the rules/laws are based on a basic mistrust of others' or whether
they are based on some reality is an interesting thing. I am always amazed
at companies that still enforce time clocking, since the concept of paying
for someone's time instead of their achievements seems a bit odd.
Robert Bacal, CEO, Institute For Cooperative Communication
dbt359@freenet.mb.ca, Located in Winnipeg, Manitoba.
(204 888-9290.
--"Robert Bacal" <dbt359@freenet.mb.ca>
Learning-org -- An Internet Dialog on Learning Organizations For info: <rkarash@karash.com> -or- <http://world.std.com/~lo/>