On 6 Jul 96 at 21:21, Terri Deems wrote:
> I'm interested in this, Robert, and believe that our language, as
> well as communication in general, is an important (and often
> overlooked) consideration. While we peridically discuss
> "communication" as a process within LOs, I'm not sure I've seen much
> explicitly about language (though I think it's at least implicit
> within the language we use on this list).
As a relative newcomer, I find that the LO discourse is the most
cooperative that I have found on the internet, in general. I don't know
what that means exactly. One of our contentions is that there are
biological reasons why humans learn confrontational language (Type I) as
they acquire language. Persons who are aware of the effects of their
language, and have mastered a good portion of what we call cooperative
language appear to be a small minority of people we see (unscientific but
abut 5-10%).
With the increase of school viiolence, one thing that is heartening is
that there are more and more school based programs to teach kids elements
of conflict resolution, etc, and peer mediation. That's the good news.
There is more, I think to the concept of cooperative BEHAVIOUR
besides language, though.
--"Robert Bacal" <dbt359@freenet.mb.ca>
Learning-org -- An Internet Dialog on Learning Organizations For info: <rkarash@karash.com> -or- <http://world.std.com/~lo/>