Why is Wealth Important? LO8309

GSCHERL (GSCHERL@fed.ism.ca)
Thu, 04 Jul 96 09:53:25 EST

Replying to LO8287 --

Benjamin stated in his recent post responding to Archie Kreager's

> except that when I talk to many of my neighbors about personal
> growth, and about how they could creatively live their life and
> achieve their dreams I get a blank stare. They literally don't
> believe what I'm telling them.

The challenge with telling people about their own personal growth is
they have so much negative reinforcement that they won't get out of
their situation, that they shouldn't grow, that there isn't hope. All
they have to do is turn on the TV, and read the papers and they see
that everything is getting worse, and there is little hope for the

I saw a feature on a homeless shelter in Dallas Texas where they'd
donated TPN programming as one of the trials for the TPN Foundation.
After a month of having access to the information from Les Brown, Jim
Rohn, Bruce Jenner (to name a few), the homeless were dressing better,
were fixing up the homeless shelter, were talking about getting jobs.
In essence, they found hope in their futures again! They recognized
that if they worked on themselves, they could improve their futures.
All it took was working on themselves.

As Gladys Knight says
"TPN is the answer...now we have alternative television,
......the way to teach our children values."

Gary Scherling
Helping people help themselves


GSCHERL@fed.ism.ca (GSCHERL)

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