Jaques' Requisite Organization LO8286

Wed, 03 Jul 1996 16:15:00 -0500 (EST)

Replying to LO8255 --

Hello there,

Further to the post "de-bunking" the time span concept of Elliot Jacques,
I would like to add my two cents worth. I did not save the message where
the writer compared time span in the context of an elephant's gestation
period versus that of humans, so my apologies to that person for not
incorporating your message as the cue.

With much respect, the time span concept was not well understood. The
concept "period of discretion" really allows someone evaluating a context
(eg. job, process) to understand how long a person group is allowed/
permitted to carry out a task before their errors/mistakes would be
detected. This sort of inverted concept does not assume that someone WILL
make a mistake, but helps one understand the mantle of independence a
person/group carries.

We use this concept for three separate job evaluation systems in which I
am involved. It helps to understand that a University President probably
has a five year span of appointment, in which to set the focus and
direction of the organization.... hence a five year time span for decision
making and leadership. One will not be able to appreciate the full impact
of this term until after the period is over. Compare this to a word
processor, who must produce x manuscripts within x time at a prescribed
rate of speed and accuracy. It will become apparent fairly quickly if the
production quota is not met; hence the period of discretion in this
context is much shorter.

The concept is a wonderful "hanger" for testing the context for decision
making, problem solving and initiative possible for individual groups or
jobs. From a learning organization perspective, rather than the more
crass compensation perspective, the value of the concept would be within
the systems thinking and personal mastery dimensions.

If one can assess the period of discretion a group can assume in
developing a process, solving a problem, etc one can quickly identify the
potential impact of the group within the larger system. And if I know
within what restraints, checks and balances I work, I can identify where I
can stretch those parameters, and build greater competence.

Still toddling conceptually, but very pleased to have a safe spot on which
to fall! (My period of discretion here is quite short... the list serv
will let me know very quickly whether I am on track or not)

Lisetta Chalupiak



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