Wholistic Performance Indicators LO8253

Doug Seeley (100433.133@CompuServe.COM)
02 Jul 96 08:20:22 EDT

In reviewing my archives of Learning Org postings, I now realize that I
never posted the access instructions to this paper which was ready a year
ago. I had to wait until our web site was established in order to make it
available in that context. My sincere apologies for not announcing this

Hence, anyone who is interested in looking at or downloading this paper,
"Wholistic Performance Indicators", as well as the relatead paper "Trusted
Linkages for Performance Integration" can access them from our Web site:


For anyone interested, a demonstration version of our powerful, animated
discrete simulation system, SimView, is also available free of charge.

I will be glad to respond via the List or in private to any of the issues
raised by these offerings.

Cheers, Dr. Doug Seeley


Doug Seeley, 100433.133@compuserve.com (Geneva soon to be Victoria, BC)

Learning-org -- An Internet Dialog on Learning Organizations For info: <rkarash@karash.com> -or- <http://world.std.com/~lo/>