The Boston Center of The A.K. Rice Institute (CSGSS) announces it's
1997 Residential Conference on Group Relations:
Authority, Leadership and Partnership in Organizations
January 15th - 19th, 1997
Mount Marie Conference Center, Holyoke, MA
Director, Evelyn D. Cleavely,
Associate staff member, Tavistock Institute of
Marital Studies
An experiential conference in the Tavistock tradition designed to enable
members to extend their awareness of group and organizational processes
and of their participation in them. The method is learning through
experience and reflection. The design of the conference is based on the
assumption that by examining and interpreting experiences within the
conference institution, members will be enable to enlarge their
understanding of their own institutions and their roles in them.
The design allows members to explore among other things:
The impact of unconscious fantasy and dynamics on work groups
The significance of visible and invisible boundaries and how
they are managed
The difference between the stated task of a group and the task
it actually appears to be pursuing
Discrepancies between official roles and those individuals are
called upon to play
Discrepancies between formal and informal authority
The conference is designed for members from diverse occupations:
professionals, business women and men, community leaders, organizational
consultants, program directors, administrators, managers students and
paraprofessionals. Individuals from business, education, mental health,
law government, social services and religion have attended conferences in
the past.
The primary task is to provide opportunities to study the exercise of
leadership, authority and partnership in the context of interpersonal,
intergroup and institutional relations within the conference.
For further information and an application please contact:
c/o Tim Mize
34 Chester Road
Belmont, MA 02178
--"Marc Kessler" <M_KESSLE@dewey.uvm.edu>
Learning-org -- An Internet Dialog on Learning Organizations For info: <rkarash@karash.com> -or- <http://world.std.com/~lo/>