I guess "communication" is a vague term. Clarification questions - Who
communicates? How do they communicate? Communicate what? How do you know
when they communicate?
On Thu, 25 Apr 1996, Scott R. Cypher wrote:
> The only way I'm aware interdependence can be
> managed is by changing group composition and group mission/tasks.
So, managing interdependence can be accomplished by using IM's intent
BTW I just read a reference to Peter Drucker's book, "The Practice of
Management" (1954) which outlines "Management by Objectives".
Does anyone know the similarities/differences of MBO vs IM's intent
> From my
> point of view interdependence dictates how I manage linkages
> (communication, production, management, maintenance).
So, a separate set of objectives for each link? This sort of shades in
with Dave Birren's recent comments.
> (Thompson, 1967).
> [Read Organizational Linkages: Understanding the productivity paradox,
> Harris Ed. National Research Council, 1994]
Do you have a title for the first book?
Andrew Moreno
--Andrew Moreno <amoreno@broken.ranch.org>
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