Who wants to "learn"? LO6363

GSCHERL (GSCHERL@fed.ism.ca)
Mon, 01 Apr 96 18:39:30 EST

Replying to LO6323 --

Clyde Howell reports:

> we tend to kill the creative side of a child by the time s/he reaches
> fifth grade or so. That includes setting the stage for a loathing of
> school and anything that resembles or reminds us of that experience.

I've been following some discussions by Gordon Dreyden lately on TV.
He's the author of 'The Learning Revolution'. I haven't got around to
reading his book, but a lot of what he says echoes the above.
Paraphrased from one of his talks:
A child starts learning in the first 4 years of their life, and
experience life and learn at an incredible rate. Then we take them
out of life, and put them in a classroom, have a teacher stand in the
front of the class and expect them to learn. When they'd rather be
out enjoying life.
A lot of the onus has to return to the parents. I've heard one theory
that says each child needs a one-to-one relationship with an adult.
Our current society, with dual incomes, single parents...isn't heading
in that direction.

Maybe by reconnecting the adults with the joys and values of learning,
we'll help our children not get caught in the same cycle.

Gary Scherling
Helping people help themselves


GSCHERL@fed.ism.ca (GSCHERL)

Learning-org -- An Internet Dialog on Learning Organizations For info: <rkarash@karash.com> -or- <http://world.std.com/~lo/>