Org Learning Web Pgs LO5853

Gerard M Blair (
26 Feb 1996 12:14:07 GMT

The following may be of interest either as an example of GROUP TRAINING
methods or as a source on learning material on the Learning Organization
and Group Facilitation.

As part of an exercise to learn about group work, the 40 MEng students
in their fourth and fifth year of study in the department listed below
were split into two groups to research and produce material on

Little or no instruction had been given to the students on these topics.
They were set the assignment two weeks before the dead-line; however,
there was only four-and-a-half days of work time available.
In this time they had to form into a group and to manage their own
time without any help from staff.

Their only resource material was a few Web links; their deliverables
were a set of Web pages and a one-hour seminar/lecture.

The results can be found at:


Gerard M Blair, Senior Lecturer, The Department of Electrical Engineering, The University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK Email: - Home page:

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