On Fri, 23 Feb 1996, Michael McMaster wrote:
> Dynamic equilibrium can be maintained if you change your perspective
> in time, place, size, scope etc. so that there is relative stability
> in one place or scale while others within or surrounding are
> changing. This can be useful but it is moving logical or scale
> levels that allows it. I suggest this has more power to consider
> that the apparent equilibrium or unchanging phenomenon is generated
> *from a particular perspective* by the different timings, phases or
> cycles of change that are occurring at once.
Interesting post.
I think that organizational leaders or even high-level organizational
change consultants possess a great deal of brain power to be able to
manage organizational detail and dynamic complexity. It is really
staggering how much data is involved to operate in _the present_. It is
even more staggering to consider future cycles of change for each of the
parts of a system.
[I don't have this brain power but I've been thinking about what it would
take to apply an approach similar to the one you outlined above because
I believe that I am capable of learning how to develop this brain power.]
Andrew Moreno
--Andrew Moreno <amoreno@broken.ranch.org>
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