Enrique, You wrote, in replying to LO5380 --
>This is a very valid asumption, but the basic problem resides in getting
different people, who are to become part of an organisation, to FEEL
undifferentiatiated so that they can become a part of the WHOLE. It is
important to consider that oll cells of an organism have the same
information to begin with, even though they only use a part of it to do
their specific job (they all share the same vision and mission
FYI, Barry Oshry wrote a book "Seeing Systems: Unlocking the Mysteries of
Organizational Life"(Berrett-Koehler, San Francisco) which elaborates your
point about undifferentiating as a necessary element in creating workable
human systems. An interesting and readable explication based on a two
decades-plus running learning lab.
Hey, maybe this book is already known to you? I just noticed that Margaret
Wheatley and Marvin Weisbord are endorsing it on the jacket.
Charles Parry
-- Specialized Resources International Boston University Sargent Camp 36 Sargent Camp Road Hancock, New Hampshire 03449 USA INTERNET:74150.236@compuserve.comLearning-org -- An Internet Dialog on Learning Organizations For info: <rkarash@karash.com> -or- <http://world.std.com/~lo/>