I would be most appreciative if you would post the following message to
the learning org list for me. Presently I haven't found the time to get
back on the list as there's just too many things on my to do list. Maybe
in March.
thanks, Gene...
the note:
After several months of adding stuff to my web site I have concluded that
it is now very much out of control.
I have come to understand that the subject of modeling and simulation is
far broader than I had ever imagined and many of the things I'm finding of
interest on the net don't seem to fit into the pigeon holes I created with
initially very limited perspective.
As such, I am about to do a major restructruing of the organization and
would sincerely appreciate any guidance you might care to offer. My web
address is:
You may send comments via e-mail to:
crbnblu@aol.com or crbnblu@radix.net
I thank you in advance for you assistance,
Gene Bellinger
-- CrbnBlu@aol.com -Info: learning-org-approval@world.std.com or <http://world.std.com/~lo/>