Open Space W/S LO5373 -8/96 Bar Harbor
Tue, 6 Feb 1996 03:28:49 GMT

[Host's Note: This was Open Space W/S 6/26-29 LO3786 posted a couple of
months ago and the dates have changed...]

There will be a "train the trainer" for Open Sapce Technology Aug. 14-17
in Bar Harbor, ME. For those of you who are unfamiliar with Open Space, it
is a transformational facilitation method used with groups of 15-850.

The workshop will be led by author, consultant and originator of the
concept, Harrison Owen. The location where the worikshop will be held is
College of the Atlantic, which is very scenic...on the water on an island
on the coast of Maine.

In addition to training facilitators, the workshop will focus on the theme
"the Millenium Organization". We will wrestle with question such as what
kind of leadership do we need? What kinds of structures? How will we work

If you saw my earlier announcement (November), you will see that the
dates of the workshop have changed. They are now firm for Aug 14-17. For
further info, send your address and phone to:

Sue Inches
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