Leadership Learning LO5332

August W. Smith (awsmith@uts.cc.utexas.edu)
Sat, 3 Feb 1996 21:10:55 -0600

Replying to LO5302 -- was: Intro -- Brian Cox
[Subject line changed by your host... And, I hope, August, you'll tell us
a little more about the work you mention below...]

Your note was quite interesting. I would like to share some of my work
with you which I think you would find relevant. I am completing a new
book called the Leadership Sphere based on data from 1200 executives on
the new Language of Leadership. I propose several new insights: Tracking
the Rs --Resources, Relationships and Requirements and their reciprocals
in Results, Receivers and Reviews. We have a new section on the new
Leadesrhip Language, Leadership Leverage and Leadership Legacy with 10
overlays...including one to Senge's work showing how Leadership Learning
is a key part of Organization Learning.

Best regards..... August W. Smith, PhD -Professor-Consultant-Author

>My name is Brian Cox and I work in the Internal IS Consultancy Department
>of the Woolwich Building Society in Kent, England.
>My interest in Learning Organisations stems from my Ph.D research which
>aims to establish a link between Scenario Planning and 'organisational
>success'; measured in terms of increased shareholder value. I am
>currently working on constructing a model which describes how scenario
>planning contributes towards organisational learning, which in turn
>contributes towards increased shareholder value.
>Any comments, especially on how people feel about these relationships, are
>most welcome.

awsmith@uts.cc.utexas.edu (August W. Smith)