2-D diagrams LO4359

Wed, 20 Dec 95 10:17:16 CDT

There is a book of 3-D models of M.C. Escher's more interesting works
called Kaleidocycles. The models are cut or punched out (it's been a
few years, so I don't remember which) of color card stock, then glued
to become 3-D objects. Some of them are manipulable. They are not
merely excellent examples of items that can become more than
themselves. They can be used as models for many of the concepts we
discuss here, i.e. cycles of growth, change, evolution, etc. Enjoy.

Host's Note: I'll second this recommendation! The Book has punch out,
tape together 3-D objects that are beautiful, great fun, and have the
"Escher" patterns continuing around edges, and forming when the figure is
flexed to bring surfaces together.

What a wonderful holiday gift!

-- Rick Karash, rkarash@karash.com, host for learning-org

     Margaret Wade