> Polanyi says that theories do not come from the data but are an assertion
> by someone, an expression of belief, commitment and real interest... and
> that making new theory is a creative act.
> I recounted a nice story from Polanyi about Einstein in my Nov. msg LO3689
> which can be found on the web
I'm not sure if I have a strong opinion about the basis of theories;
however, I thought of one related example while viewing your note.
Sometimes when working on a computer program, maybe when I'm tired,
encountering many problems at the same time, or in a cycle where I've
already tried my first thought and didn't solve the problem, when I
will begin to guess. Sometimes the guesses are like "maybe if I add
one each time through the cycle" or "maybe if I put a limit on this
process" or "maybe if I include feedback from another process". It's
kind of like fishing. Such guessing is very different than the
general process when there's understanding of what processes need
attention and the language-method for solving the problem is evident.
And the guessing is different than the kind of guessing like "maybe
blue, well, maybe silver".
-- Have a nice day John Paul Fullerton jpf6745@acs.tamu.edu