Learning to Learn LO4348

Rol Fessenden (76234.3636@compuserve.com)
20 Dec 95 03:14:41 EST

Regarding Learning to Learn LO4316, Joe Hays, says,

"I am campaigning to eliminate the notion that empowerment is something
that is given. Though it may come about naturally and painlessly in some
evolutionary self-organizing way, it is most typically a frustrating and
excruciating process both for those who would be empowered and those who
would empower. Empowerment is something which is earned. It is something
which has to come to be desired and something which depends heavily on
personal confidence and competence (and in my case, at least, on mutual
trust, interdependence. and collaboration)."

Boy, Joe, you made my day. Thank you.

I would even go so far as to say that people truly recognize when they are
'ready' for the burden, and at that point, they _take_ empowerment. When
anyone is waiting for empowerment to be given, they are -- practically by
definition -- not ready for it.

 Rol Fessenden
 LL Bean, Inc