LO only half an answer? LO4241

Dr. Ivan Blanco (BLANCO@BU4090.BARRY.EDU)
Thu, 14 Dec 1995 15:10:11 -0500 (EST)

Replying to LO4056 --

> From: CrbnBlu@aol.com
> irt: Dr. Ivan Blanco, Tue, Dec 5, 1995 8:29 AM EST
> Ivan, how have you been? It's been quite a while.
> As for your comment, "No model, regardless of how great it is, will work
> all by itself!"
> I am quite in agreement. There are so many pieces which are necessary, yet
> none are sufficient. I found Michael McGill's "American Business and the
> Quick Fix" most informative. He profiled 4 decades of management fads, the
> essence of which predicted just what is happening in the area of BPR and
> what seems most certain to happen in the area of LO when it catches the
> wind!
> It would seem there is something besides the method which produces
> successful results. When multiple organizations can employ the same
> "formula" and produce everything from amazing success to abysmal failure,
> and multiple organizations can employ very different "formulas" and
> produce everything from amazing success to abysmal failure, it leads me to
> suspect there is something else operating here of which the practitioners
> and healers are not aware. Any ideas?
> Gene Bellinger
> CrbnBlu@aol.com

Thanks Gene. I am doing fine! Tons of work, but a good break is
coming up.

Let me see if I can address what seems to be confusing. I have
been observing the fact that, way too many times, we accept and eve adopt
models, approaches, in a very superficial way. Generally, the
implementation of these models has to fail. I think that most of the
successes abey to the fact that there is a "comprehensive" application of
the model. TQM/CQI cannot generate all the benefits that it offers if
there not important changes made on structure, processes, and people. It
is not a surprise for me to lear that TQM/CQI has worked well in Japan.
MOst companies there have a structures, processes, and people (cultures)
that support the full development and application of the tools and
concepts related to total quality. What I am trying to say is that there
is a degree of harmony between the different components (structure,
processes -which include the model being implemented, and people/culture),
which is a condititon for the new applications to be successful!


  R. IVAN BLANCO, Ph.D.                        Voice 305 899-3515
  Assoc. Prof. & Director                      Fax   305 892-6412
  International Business Programs
  Andreas School of Business    _________E-Mail Addresses________
  Barry University              Bitnet: Blanco%bu4090@Barryu
  Miami Shores, FL 33161-6695   Internet: Blanco@bu4090.barry.edu
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