Year-long LO course LO4081

Bobbie Turniansky (
Wed, 6 Dec 1995 12:54:08 +0200 (IST)

Hi all,

As I mentioned a long time ago I am giving a course (for the first time)
on LO to MA students in an "educational Administration and Policy" track.
The course is a year long one, now in it's 5th week. The problem is, I
have an uncomfortable feeling that we are doing too much "talking" and
not enough "Doing". Any suggestions about how to get them experiencing
(we're going to do a version of the beer game next week)? Please, don't
suggest the fieldbook because I haven't managed to locate it in the
country and it takes forever to order it.

Anything you have to offer will be appreciated.

Bobbie Turniansky                             E - M A I L
Behavioral Sciences Dept.                     ===========
Ben-Gurion University                  Internet: bobbie@BGUMAIL.BGU.AC.IL
Beer-Sheva 84105                                 
Phone: 972-7-472-085                   Fax: 972-7-232-766