Far Out! LO3684

Bill Starbuck (wstarbuc@stern.nyu.edu)
Sun, 12 Nov 1995 18:40:09 -0500 (EST)

The theme for next year's Academy of Management meeting is "Learning from
unusual events." I'm exploring the possibility of some sessions that
describe and analyze various kinds of unusual events. You could help by
telling me about unusual events that Academy members ought to heard about.

The unusual event might be --
an organizational structure or information system,
a management practice -- such as a reward system, leadership
style, or employee-selection method,
a challenge -- such as a threat or opportunity in the
environment of a person, group, or organization,
a strategy or tactic, or
a time period -- such as a time of exceptionally high or low

Of course, I am seeking events that could be presented in Cincinnati.
There should be someone who could come to Cincinnati and describe the

Another category of presentations might be methods for learning from
unusual events -- either qualitative or quantitative methods of analysis,
or methods of data gathering, or methods of generating alternative

Please send your ideas to me via e-mail.

Bill Starbuck   wstarbuc@stern.nyu.edu