Roles/Responsibilities LO3042

Clark, George (CLARK.G@AppleLink.Apple.COM)
03 Oct 95 14:33 GMT

I am an internal consultant working with a project team on a
cross-functional, world-wide implementation effort. The project has a
global team with both corporate and regional representation. The project
team currently needs better clarity on roles and responsibilities issues.
One example is: what does corporate "own", or what needs to be consistent
across all geographies (or anyplace this project impacts) vs. what can be
adjusted for local variables. Variables might be cultural issues or
distribution systems that are unique to that part of the world. In
addition to roles and responsibilities, there are other challenges the
team is currently facing.

The project team sees itself as forging new ground; no other organization
is trying to implement similiar efforts as extensively. There is no data
on what's worked/not worked, and the project plans are constantly

I am looking for some activities or processes that 1) helps at a very
concrete level differentiate the global/local roles and responsibilities,
and 2) helps the team surface the assumptions they're using for planning.
I am familiar with standard roles and responsibilities charting, but am
concerned doing a typcial two-axis matrix (with identification for job
owner, influencer, etc.) is not robust enough. I currently plan to do some
version of a roles and responsibilities matrix, and then identify the key
assumptions for each process step and then indicate what will be needed to
verify the assumptions.

Does anyone have other ideas for helping this team become more concrete on
their agreements?

George Clark