> Date: Wed, 13 Sep 1995 07:00:00
> From: Martin Charles Raff <martin@vistaraff.win-uk.net>
> Subject: Re: Intro -- Martin Raff
<<< some stuff deleted here >>>
> ..... More people changed than we had
> expected. performance rocketed, committment increased markedly and
> learning exploded. But still too many people, especially in management,
> were not fully committed to the new ways of working.
> What I am curious about.
> I am now working as a consultant helping leaders, at all levels,to
> initiate and sustain change. I am particularly interested in what
> motivates leaders to change the way they lead. What can stimulate self
> awareness and a desire to do things differently? Leaders are pressured by
> the sytem to be confident and decisive. Changing to teaching,learning and
> being a team player is really tough in these circumstances. What will make
> it worthwhile enough to start the process? I believe that leaders should
> avoid seeing themselves as in a different class from their employees - no
> special lifeboat contracts or out of proportion remuneration packages.
> They need to throw in their lot with the others in their organisation and
> sink or swim with them. If it rains (or shines) on employees, it should
> rain (or shine) on leaders! Unless they change in this way leaders will
> not be credible, as stewards, to their employees, and will not stimulate
> the commitment to common purpose and learning that organisations need in
> order to prosper in the longer term. But it is asking a lot of leaders to
> develop in this way. What will help them to do so?
> --
> Martin Raff
> e-mail: martin@vistaraff.win-uk.net
You are answering your own question here, or at least offering part of the
reason why managers WILL change. I believe that as our tradional
organizational practices are becoming obsolete, so will those in charge of
the enforcement of those practices. If managers do not change their way
to be in harmony with the waves, there will be competing for less and less
jobs that still accept the traditional skills. Managers have already been
feeling the pain generated by technological and other changes. We can now
see many more corporations that eliminate managerial positions when they
go through reorganizations, etc.
I don't think that managers would have the choice to change or not, if
they want to continue to be managers!
-- *************************************************************** R. IVAN BLANCO, Ph.D. Voice 305 899-3515 Assoc. Prof. & Director Fax 305 892-6412 International Business Programs Andreas School of Business _________E-Mail Addresses________ Barry University Bitnet: Blanco%bu4090@Barryu Miami Shores, FL 33161-6695 Internet: Blanco@bu4090.barry.edu <<<<< ---------------- >>>>> "Las naciones marchan hacia el termino de su grandeza, con el mismo paso que camina su educacion." "The nations march toward their greatness at the same pace as their educational systems evolve." Simon Bolivar ===============================================================