Having received much interest from members of this group I am now being
asked to keep my promise and share an occasional quotation from the book.
Here are two to get started...
best regards, laurence lyons.
"The virtual organization is the ultimate results-centred enterprise. By
using Future Work principles, it is able to produce results that are at
least equal to those of its traditional competitor but leveraged from a
smaller asset base. This gives it the potential to beat the competition
hands down. Its results are real and will show up in the bottom line. But
if you search for the traditional means of achieving these results - the
massive empires of office buildings, headcount and organizational
politics; with work constrained to fixed times and locations; and the
madness of large scale commuting - you will not find them because they are
not there."
"For effective learning to take place at the individual level it is
essential to foster an environment where individuals are encouraged to
take risks and experiment, where mistakes are tolerated, but where means
exist for those involved to learn from their experiences... ... There is
little doubt that communications technology and group systems can aid in
the process of team learning."
Birchall, D & Lyons L S
Unlocking the Benefits of Future Work
ISBN 0 273 61094 5
Abbreviated Table of Contents
1. Working Towards to Future
2. The Emerging Future Organization
3. The Company and Its Emerging Boundaries
4. Networking: The Future Organization Form
5. Maximizing Productivity in the Information Age: Moving to the Mobile
6. High Performance Distributed Teams
7. Learning in Organizations: New Approached for Future Work Organizations
8. Approaching Future Work
9. Managing the Transformation to Future Work
Case Studies include
Tesco; Trafalgar House; Henley Management College
Price Waterhouse; Yorkshire Water; IBM
Digital; Rank Xerox; Oxfordshire County Council
Gwynedd County Council; Austrian Regional Government
Bank of Montreal; Andersen Consulting
Ernst & Young; New York Life
plus material from:
British Telecom; Mercury; Oregon Health Science University
General Motors
Financial Times / Pitman Professional Publishing
128 Long Acre, LONDON WC2 9AN
Tel: +44 (0)171 379 7383 -=- Fax: +44 (0)171 240 5771
Published in the USA
National Book Network
4720A Boston Way
Lanham, Maryland, 20706 USA
Tel: (301) 731 9516 =-= Fax: (301) 459 2118
Readers may contact the Authors over the Internet:
Dr. Laurence Lyons: ls_lyons@metacorp.demon.co.uk Subject:CTO or CIS: 100041,477
Prof. David Birchall: davidbi@henleymc.ac.uk
Reader feedback: cto@metacorp.demon.co.uk
Henley Management College Web page (under development):
In case of any difficulty in obtainig your copy, contact
Dr. Laurence S. Lyons
Tel & Fax +44(0) 1734 452849
Co-author of
2 Oak Tree Road, RG31 6JZ
Reading, Berkshire, UK
Associate Faculty
Henley Management College
Greenlands, Oxfordshire, UK
-- From: "Laurence S. Lyons" <ls_lyons@metacorp.demon.co.uk>