Re: InterSubjective Reality LO2231

Tobin Quereau (
Tue, 25 Jul 1995 14:38:23 -0500 (CDT)

Replying to LO2229 --

On 25 Jul 1995, Carol Anne Ogdin wrote:

> Barry Mallis wrtoe, in LO2204:
> > In line with your comment about the English translation of the Bible, may
> > I suggest a paperback entitled The "Unvarnished Gospels" which is a
> > translation of the gospels using the ancient Greek as it was meant at the
> > time the translations to Greek occurred. The effect is quite interesting,
> > to say the least.
> To which I'd add Elaine Pagels "Gnostic Gospels," contrasting the
> "official" version of the bible with the find from Nag Hammadi (not to be
> confused with the Dead Sea Scrolls) in 1947. It is enlightening about how
> our stories, handed down over untold generations can be changed and
> corrupted by subtle shifts in language to satisfy the political ambitions
> of a few.
> What the Gnostic gospels reveal, written contemporaneously with much of
> the four New Testament gospels, is in sharp contrast to what is purveyed
> today as "biblical fact."

To which I will add another reference--_The Gospel According to Thomas_ is
its name I believe. It is a fascinating account from some of the earliest
writings following the time of Christ and it also exhibits some of these
intriguing differences in translation which seem to make a difference...
It is taken from some of the Dead Sea Scrolls, as I recall.
Host's Note: Can we bring this back to learning organizations? I enjoyed
Elaine Pagels' "Gnostic Gospels"; it says that the male leadership of the
early church cast the official gospels to reinforce their position. It
makes me think of the dangers of consciously or unconsciously recasting
what we see and what we write to support our own views. Sometimes this
occurs with the best intentions...

-- Rick Karash,, host for learning-org

Tobin Quereau