To Rachel Silber in LO1941
Yes, John Holt was an inspiration for us, and remains so, in the
home-schooling community. The way I see it, the destruction of the love
of learning occurs when adults and peers impose their own reasons for
learning on top of the child's natural abilities.... shifting the whole
situation away from innate motivation to external manipulation, with its
accompanying co-depedencies and game-playing.
to Michael McMaster in LO1934:
I think Michael's reply hits the nail on the head by indicating that it is
We who stuff learning up, and that the fundamental nature of learning is
emergent.... Then the question is what are the fundamental elements which
are engaged in the rich interplay..... one point of view seems to be..
linguistic conversations..... for me it is the deep contact between
conscious individuals.
to Bernard in LO1925:
A good idea to inject Michael Polanyi's Tacit Knowledge.... into this
discussion. I wonder whether he would have equated his "indwelling"
concept, to the rich interplay notion from Complex Adaptive Systems, as
Michael has been presenting?? Polanyi's paradigm, amongst other
phenomena, also show's the process of extending the human body into the
technological world, ... this would have to include linguistic
distinctions, and so on... but I don't recall Polanyi following this
possibly infinite regress inward to find out where it would go.... Years
ago, I asked one of my classes where they thought this inward regress
would go, and one person replied that if You went inward far enough, You
then cycled back as the outside world! This was kind of the converse of
what Whorf describes of the Hopi worldview. Interesting what this suggests
about our nature. Which leads me...
to Barry Mallis in LO1937
>" ...If your analysis of your child's learning success is applicable to
business, then I see this thought linking back to the questions of
authority, power, leadership intention. I think so, because you attribute
in part your daughter's success to 'openness and individual
conscious minds...' ".
Yes, Barry I think so too. Moreover, I wonder whether there is not
something essential in the whole networking phenomenon and its impact upon
the structural nature of organizations, which invites Us into such an
ethic in order to get into alignment with the network's vitality??
>..."However, we on this list have been typing about how structures in
most all organizations are not based upon respect and openness of the kind
we need and are prepared to support in today's interactive societies. "
Yes, perhaps it is in the coming together of both networking and
Which leads me to Richard's remarks about our conversations in the list
and as process facilitators in LO 1946.....
For me, the great turn-on of this List is not the opportunity to simply
express my understandings and to receive the understandings of others, but
rather it is the emergent "magic" when engaging one or more others on the
list, and all of a sudden something entirely original emerges for one or
more of us. I sense that this emergence is greatly facilitated by the
openness, and respect for each other's positions. Does this have any
application in our roles as change agents in the organization??
-- Doug Seeley, InterDynamics Pty. Ltd. (Australia) in Geneva, Switzerland e-mail: Compuserve 100433.133 and Fax: +41 22 756 3957 "Choice and Chance are One."