Our institution is the largest two-year technical college in the United
States (79,000 students, 2,500+ employees, four campus locations, nine
evening centers, two public television stations, and an annual budget of
Our vision statement is the basis for our entire strategic planning process
(based on Hoshin Planning). It is:
To become a world-class educational institution that empowers its students,
faculty, and staff to realize their potential.
>I am looking for examples of truly visual, future-oriented visions, and it
>would be a pleasure to see some non-profit or non-private or non-US/UK
>examples (or more than one non-... at the same time).
-- James B. Rieley Coordinator, The Center for Continuous Quality Improvement Milwaukee Area Technical College 700 West State Street Milwaukee, WI 53233 414.297.7806 414.297.6475 FAX rieleyj@milwaukee.tec.wi.us