Re: Sustainable competition LO1833

Jim Michmerhuizen (
Wed, 28 Jun 1995 10:28:44 +0059 (EDT)

Replying to LO1791 --

On 26 Jun 1995, Barry Mallis wrote:

> I don't know of many business case studies where this personal growth
> power has been successful translated into maintenance of organization size
> and product/service output (quantity). We're speaking about a change in
> quality, though, aren't we?

I don't either; but I think the point is absolutely fundamental. In fact
I'd be inclined to assert, a priori, that such translation is possible and
must occur more often than not.

But of course my certainty is not _knowledge_.

And incidentally, doesn't this line of thought very quickly bring us to
a kind of ultimate bifurcation of values? A group that has _no_ concern
but its "bottom line" -- i.e. quantitative productivity measures -- will
constantly miss the point of our talk about "learning organizations".
Such a group has to give up its values in order to achieve the very thing
that it values most. It's like seeing that the thing that's important to
you - the productivity - can only be achieve by recognizing that the
thing is not _all-important_. If the only way I can achieve productivity
is by acknowledging that there goals greater than productivity... .

Well, you finish the thought.

     Jim Michmerhuizen
--------------------------------------------------- ---------------------
. . . . . There are more different kinds of people in the world . . . . .
 . . ^ . .             than there are people...                . . . . .