Re:Resistance to Change LO588

Joseph Wickersham (
Wed, 29 Mar 1995 09:49:20 -0500

Replying to LO552 --

In reply to Roland Foerster's request for "change exercises":

John Lawrie authored an article in Training & Development Journal,
March 1990 entitled "The ABCs of Change Management." Captioned "a
step-by-step plan for a simple, effective change management program,"
I found it to be just that. I used the steps with a unionized,
production-floor group. The company was attempting to institute an
Employee Involvement/Team (Self) Directed workforce.

Lawrie's process takes participants through a number of steps
identifying poorly handled changes in their past; identifying how the
change was initiated, who was involved and what the results were;
identification of research-based principles of change; and finally
application of the principles.

It helped me get past some of the "resistance hurdles" in a positive,
non-confrontational manner, and also helped the group understand that
they could help "manage" the change rather than just accepting or
reacting (or overreacting) to it.

Joe Wickersham