Re: Reinforcing/Balancing in Humans LO587

Tobin Quereau (
Wed, 29 Mar 1995 08:43:44 -0600 (CST)

Replying to LO576 --

Your comments on the "reinforcing/balancing" pattern in learning is
certainly reminiscent of Piaget's notion of learning as a pattern of
assimilation and accomodation. It has been too long since I read Piaget's
work (a leading developmental psychologist) to comment much further, but
my years of teaching preschool taught me the natural flow of the process
in the lives of children--and, hence, the rest of us.... Much of the
literature and work in accelerated learning--Barzakov, Lozanov, etc.--also
works in concert with this elemental process. I am convinced we need the
interplay of reinforcing and balancing "loops" to foster healthy growth
and development of any sort--a cosmic " breath" that cycles throughout our
life at one level or another.

Tobin Quereau
Austin Community College
Austin, TX USA

On Tue, 28 Mar 1995 wrote:

> Replying to LO556 --
> "> Are there reinforcing processes in human beings that are healthy?
> >
> How about Learning? In my case at least, learning generally
> reinforces the desire to learn more which leads to learning
> more and on and on...."
> I seem to have a natural balancing process in my own learning strategy --
> after a certain amount of exposure to new ideas, I need to integrate and
> practice before I'm ready for more new information and frameworks, and
> vice versa.
> In fact, since I've joined this list, I've come to several points of
> saturation and tuned out temporarily to let ideas percolate and find a way
> into my work. Then I can come back for more.
> Do other members of this list experience this balancing pattern? And to
> tie it back to organizational learning, do you experience your
> organizations as having reinforcing and/or balancing loops that affect the
> ability of the organization to take in new information and ideas?
> Marilyn Darling