Tools for complexity LO450

Fri, 17 Mar 1995 08:58:02 -0600

reply to LO246 for references on complexity.....

I hope you have read COMPLEXITY...there is one by Waldrop (I think) and
another by Lewin (I think)...they are wonderul, use friendly books. Also,
there is a lot of good stuff in Kelly's Out of Control and Plotkin's
Darwin Machines... I think that Senge, Wheatley, Capra really zero in on
this stuff and make enlightenment palatable and illuminating...good
luck...eager to hear about your work....keep us posted? Thanks/...

also....the Sante Fe group here in the states deals with issues of
complexity almost exclusively.....there are probably subscribers who
could put you in touch with them.....

a bien tout....(sp?) Myrna

Myrna J. Casebolt, PhD; CPHQ
Quality Improvement Consultant
Department of Health and Social Services
Division of Care and Treatment Facilities
1 W. Wilson Street #550
Madison, Wisconsin 53707-7851
(608) 267-3783 phone
(608) 266-2579 fax