Systems Thinking Conf 9/95 Boston LO363

Tim Dalmau (
Thu, 9 Mar 1995 08:34:23 +1000

Replying to Subject: Re: Model: Generative to Events? LO321 --

>We will be presenting this work at the
>1995 Systems Thinking in Action Conference in Boston in September.

Does any one have any information about this conference they could share on
this list, please


Tim Dalmau Tel:61-1-874-8128 Fax:61-7-289-2131 or
PO Box 283 Samford Village Qld. 4520 Australia
Host's Note: The 1995 Pegasus Systems Thinking in Action Conference will
be held in Boston September 18-20, 1995. I have not seen mailings yet
about this conference, but by copy of the message I'm asking Pegasus to
post conference information here when it is available.

I've attended this conference every year and I highly recommend it.

Pegasus may be reached at or 617-576-1231

-- Rick Karash,, host for learning-org