Re: Beer Game

Stephen Robbins (
Fri, 13 Jan 1995 00:35:17 EST5EDT

> I'll respond to this one. The beer game is a multi-person board game
> created at MIT quite a while ago. ...
> Players feel the frustrations of trying to play their
> role when the system is sub-optimal.

I played the beer game knowing in advance the entire game structure.
The other players in my supply chain did NOT know the structure.
Despite my "perfect" knowledge of the system, the system still
exploded, because there was simply no way within the system to
correct the other members' reasoning. It was VERY frustrating, and
probably very much like certain real life situations.

- Stever

Stever Robbins
Accept no substitutes!
"You're only young once, but you can be immature forever."